HD512 Upgrade SweetLight 9.3.8 x64 version
can download add package: 20230824_ADD.rar http://down.avldiy.cn/down_server/HD512_DVD/AllDVD_OneFile/ [update log] if u find any bug, please email to me, I’ll fix it soon, thks.
can download add package: 20230824_ADD.rar http://down.avldiy.cn/down_server/HD512_DVD/AllDVD_OneFile/ [update log] if u find any bug, please email to me, I’ll fix it soon, thks.
NET-IO16: http://box.avldiy.cn/mybox/net-io16/ Video teaching: My website: http://down.avldiy.cn/down_server/NET-IO16/video/NET-IO16.mp4 Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ym4y1p7VW/?vd_source=4f5386ce95dadb780f4559f265472249
http://box.avldiy.cn/mybox/net-io16/ This product can connect grandMA2 onPC, depence2, Madrix, Daslight5… Or connect any software with artnet output and physical console to control the switching device. Such as lights, fountains, jets, fireworks, fireworks, motors, power switches, relays… Through professional lighting software… Continue Reading
My website: http://down.avldiy.cn/down_server/LED_AL08/video/LED%20AL08.mp4 Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1E94y1C7mK/?vd_source=4f5386ce95dadb780f4559f265472249